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Double Chin The Bane of Your Life?

When you look in the mirror, which part of your face do you zone in on first? Is it your sparkling eyes? Your winning smile? Your small but perfectly shaped nose? Or, more likely, is it something negative? Do you zone in on a double chin?

Turn Back The Clock With The Microbotox Facial

There are many people who panic at the word ‘botox’, but this revolutionary facial treatment doesn’t affect your facial muscles at all. That means you’re getting all the benefits of botox, without the downsides! The micro-botox facial is a combination of two of our most popular treatments - botox and micro-needling. 

What on Earth is Prejuvenation?

You’ve heard of ‘rejuvenation’, but now it’s time to sit up and take notice of prejuvenation.

For years we’ve watched the Kardashians and other celebrities head for their weekly top ups of Botox, fillers, and whatever other treatments they’re keen on, and we know that they’re certainly not of an age where they should need such things, so why do they do it?

All in the name of prejuvenation, that’s why!

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